Governance Process
Governance is one of the key pillars of the Centrifuge DAO. The Centrifuge protocol is governed by CFG token holders, and all proposals must go through a governance process.
In general, our governance process can be divided into two parts; offchain and onchain governance.
Offchain Governance
This is the first part of the process. It takes place on our Forum (as a Request for Comments) and OpenSquare. The purpose of this is to get input from the Community on a proposal and gather support, before moving the proposal onchain (if necessary — not all proposals need to be submitted onchain in order to pass).
Onchain Governance
This refers to the part of the process that takes places on the blockchain. First a proposal is created onchain (which can be done by either the public or the Council), and this is generally followed by an onchain referendum where all token holders can vote Aye or Nay.
Some of these proposals have different governance processes, but they all start with a post on the Forum. All CPs (Centrifuge Proposals) must also be submitted to the Centrifuge Proposals Repository on Github.
It is very important that the CP is submitted correctly. In the event of an incorrectly formatted proposal, the process will need to be repeated.
Centrifuge Proposal Repository
All proposals must be submitted to the Centrifuge Proposals Repository (PR) on Github which is used to log all proposals. The discussion (RFC) takes place on the Forum, and if there are any changes made to the proposal, it must happen via the PR during the RFC phase, i.e. before the proposal proceeds to a snapshot vote/onchain vote.
This is to ensure that a proposal is not changed during a vote or after it has ended. A proposal is only deemed valid, if it has been submitted to the PR and been merged. Once merged, the proposal is final.
After a proposal has been submitted, a pull request number (XXX) will automatically be assigned - this number will be used to index the proposal and in the title of the Forum post, using the prefix CPXXX. The Forum post must contain the link to the proposal on GitHub.
In case, some typos/minor errors are found in the proposal after it has been finalised, there is an option to correct them. The GCG is responsible for maintaining the Proposal Repository on GitHub so any changes would need to go through GCG - and all changes must be announced the forum post so the community can object to it if they think the change(s) will alter the original proposal.
Request For Comments (RFC)
Creating an RFC is the next step. This is posted on the Forum and the purpose is to give the Community the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions and gauge support for the proposal. If changes are made to the proposal, based on the feedback from the Community, they should be done in this step.
Some proposals may require longer time for discussion than others. The minimum time an RFC should be running is 7 days but we strongly encourage 14 days or more. The proposer decides how long an RFC should run before proceeding in the process.
In the templates for each component, there is a description of what the RFC should contain (e.g. title, content etc.) in the Forum post. All RFCs must be posted in the Centrifuge Proposals section of the Forum and this post must be updated as the proposal progresses by editing it and adding any new information at the end of the main post.
OpenSquare Snapshot
Snapshot (offchain) voting is generally the next step in the offchain governance after the RFC. Once there has been adequate discussion, after a minimum of 7 days, and the proposal has been merged into the proposal repository on GitHub, a snapshot vote must be created on OpenSquare.
Snapshot votes typically have three options; "Yes", "No", and "Abstain" and there is a quorum of 4M CFG, i.e. if a snapshot has more no than yes votes or doesn’t meet the quorum, it will not pass. Votes for “Abstain” count towards the quorum and if a snapshot has more "Abstain" votes, then the option with the 2nd highest votes determines the outcome.
However, not all proposals require an offchain vote.
Snapshot voting is required
- When a proposal does not require an onchain vote*, i.e. proposals that does not change anything onchain (e.g. mandate requests, changes to our governance process etc.)
- When a proposal is not going to be followed by an onchain vote straight after, i.e. proposals that are going to be implemented later (e.g. part of a Runtime Upgrade)
*If a proposal does not require an onchain vote, the snapshot vote will be binding (i.e. if the snapshot vote passes, the proposal passes).
Snapshot voting is optional
In all other situations than the ones mentioned above, snapshot voting is optional. It can be used as a temperature check if the proposer wants to get a sentiment around their proposal before submitting it to a vote.
The minimum voting time for snapshots on OpenSquare is 7 days but the proposer could increase this to any amount of days, if they deem it necessary. This information has to be communicated to the community in the Forum post.
As soon as a proposal has moved on to a snapshot vote, it must be announced in the forum post with a link to the vote.
The Governance & Coordination group will always aim to batch proposals on OpenSquare if possible, i.e. start them at the same time if there are multiple proposals ready to be submitted. However, if there are time sensitive/urgent proposals, we have the option to start the vote vote anytime.
In the unlikely event that two mutually exclusive proposals (like two groups asking for a mandate to enact the same work stream) will start and end their snapshot votes on OpenSquare at the same time, it will be the proposal with most "Yes" votes (in terms of CFG) that will pass - assuming the quorum for the vote is met as well.
Onchain Proposal
The next step is to create an onchain proposal if it is required.
This can be done either as a Democracy Proposal/Treasury Proposal (any token holder can create this) or a Council Motion (only the council can create this).
Once an onchain proposal has been submitted, the forum post must be updated with the following information:
- The Governance process going forward
- Link to Council Motion/Democracy Proposal/Treasury Proposal (on Subsquare)
- Pre-image hash
If the Council Motion/Democracy Proposal passes, update the post again with a link to the referendum (on Subsquare), so everyone can follow the progress of the proposal.
Cooling-off Period
A cooling-off period is the time that must pass before a proposal can be re-submitted. If a proposal fails to pass an offchain or an onchain vote, the cooling-off period is 15 days (counting from when the vote has ended) before a new RFC can be resubmitted.
The cooling-off period is important in order to take the feedback from the Community into account and make the necessary changes to the submitted proposal, and re-submit the RFC.
CP Framework Components
These are the components in our CP Framework:
Component | Name | Short description |
CP1 | Request for Mandate | Seeking mandate as a group/individual within the Centrifuge DAO to enact a project/work stream |
CP1.1 | Changing Facilitator | Changing the facilitator of a mandated group |
CP1.2 | Removal of Mandate | Removal of a group’s mandate to enact a project/work stream (CP-1) |
CP2 | Request for Funding | Asking for funding from the Treasury |
CP3 | Runtime Upgrades | Proposals for Runtime Upgrades |
CP3.1 | Emergency Proposals | Emergency proposals in case of hacks, exploits, attacks, or network halt |
CP4 | General Improvements | Any proposal type, that does not fit under any of the other CPs |
CP5 | Centrifuge Pool Onboarding Proposal (POP) | Onboarding new pools on Centrifuge Chain |
CP32 | Roadmap Proposals | Create a Roadmap Proposal to replace the previous one |
CP63 | Pool Types | Creating processes around any of the three different pool types |
Components can have different governance processes, but what they all have in common is that they start with a post on the Forum and all CPs must be submitted to the Centrifuge Proposals Repository on Github. Click on the link for a component above to see its correct process and template, including a standard header that is used in all forum posts.
It is very important that a CP is submitted correctly. In the event of an incorrect format of a proposal, the process will need to be repeated.
Proposal Tags
We can distinguish between the different stages of a proposal by adding/removing tags as it progresses through the stages. Specific tags and their usage:
: add when RFC is created on the forum
: add when OpenSquare snapshot/onchain proposal has been created
: add appropriate tag when the CP has ended
So after a proposal has moved on from the RFC, the rfc
tag will be removed and replaced by voting
and again after the proposal has ended so the last tag will be either passed
or rejected
which will remain on the post.
In addition to the tags above, specific tags can be added, depending on what the proposal is about (e.g. runtime-upgrade
, governance-process
, liquidity-rewards
, pop-submission
etc.) and also which components the proposal consists of (e.g. CP1
, CP2
, CP3
, CP4
, CP5
Please contact the Governance & Coordination Group on the Forum or Discord (Rhano or ImdioR), if you have any questions regarding the process or need help with submitting a proposal.